Originally posted by Bobs_Hardware
.erac t\'nod yllaer uoy fi ton ro ,ylper ot eerf leeF .cipot a ekam d\'I thguoht I os ,no reilrae siht tuoba gnikniht tsuj saw I ,syawynA
.knird a rof meht htiw pu teem tsael yrev eht ta rO .rof taht od ot etatiseh t\'ndluow I taht smurof eseht edistuo ot dettahc reve yldrah ev\'I ohw ereh no elpoep emos era erehT .elihm a rof neppah t\'now taht ..tuB !sraey rof em tisiv emoc ot gninnalp neeb sah )sserpyC .aka erawtfos_sboB .aka( rekoJ .ytic eht fo setis eht meht wohs ot gnilliw naht erom eb d\'I dna ,elihw a rof ecalp ym ta yats meht tel ylippah naht erom dluow I ,ytic ym tisiv ot emac yeht fi taht ereh no elpoep wef a etiuq era ereht tuB .)!dratsab gnikcuf taf gib ay ,nahtaN ,yad eno hctam nekkeT taht evah lliw ew( dnirGluoS dna ,recaR fo snoitpecxe elbissop eht htiW .uoy fo lla hnum ytterp htiw pu teem ot ecnahc eht evah t\'nod ylsuoivbo I ,em rof sA
.cte ,ctE ?gnikpok htiw nwot eht no thgin a retfa latipsoh ni pu dnE ?smargorp noisivelet scilohoediV no pu dne yllatnedicca thgim uoy derecS ?bojwolb esiwmaS suomaf a rO ?noitcelloc yot xes ,noitcelloc DC ,noitcollec emagoediv ,noitcollec DVD ,tucriah ,tseretni evol laitnetop ,dneirflrig ,sdneirf, ,seiromem doohdlihc derusaert dna devoleb tsom ruoy lla fo msicitirc dna tluassa labrev ..hhu ...C-I-L na rO ?eltserw rewohs recaR a rO ?gnipar nemoeht detnuav hcum eht gniviecer fo diarfa eb uoy dluow rO ?uoy dluow ,esohc dluoc uoy enoyna htiw pu teem ot ecnahc eht dah uoy fi os )!oot ,seimene edam evah elpoep fo tol a dna( murof eht no elpoep rehto htiw sdneirf taerg emoceb evah ereh elpoep fo tol a wonk I ?murof siht no elpoeprehto htiw pu teem ot erac yllaer ereh enoyna dluoW ?tenretni eht no dedneirfeb ev\'yeht enoyna htiw pu tem reve ereh enoyna saH
?sraey eht revo enilno tem evah yam yeht elpoep rehto dna ,rehtohcae fo kniht elpoep tahw tuoba gnirednow daerht a tsuJ
possibly translation:
Anyways, I was just thinking about this earlier on, so I thought I’d make a topic. Feel free to reply, or not if you really don’t care.
As for me, I obviously don’t have the chance to meet up with pretty munh (much) all of you. With the possible exceptions of Racer, and Soulgrind, we will have that Tekken match one day, Nathan, ya big fat ****ing bastard! (But there are quite a few people on here that if they came to visit my city, I would more than happily let them stay at my place for a while, an I’d be more than willing to show them the sites of the city. Joker) aka. Bobs Software. Aka. Cypress (has been planning to come visit me for years! But..that won’t happen for a mhile (mile?). There are some people on here who I’ve hardly ever chatted to outside these forums that I wouldn’t hesitate to do that for. Or at the very least meet up with them for a drink.
Has anyone here ever met up with anyone they’ve befriended on the internet? Would anyone here really care to meet up with otherpeople (other people) on this forum? I know a lot of people here have become great friends with other people on the forum and a lot of people have made enemies, too! (so if you had the chance to meet up with anyone you could chose, would you? Or would you be afraid of receiving the much vaunted theomen raping? Or a Racer shower wrestle? Or an L-I-C…uhh... verbal assault and criticism of all your most beloved and treasured childhood memories, friends, girlfriend, potential love interest, haircut, DVD collection, videogame collection, CD collection, sex toy, collection? Or a forums Samwise blowjob? Scered(?) you might accidentally end up on Videoholics television programs? End up in hospital after a night on the town with kokpting? Etc, etc.
Just a thread wondering about what people think of eachother (each other), and other people they may have online over the years?