Some more on Bush and his agenda for the next 4 years:
Reforming America’s High Schools: President Bush will provide $250 million annually to extend state assessment of student reading and math skills.
Tax Reform: President Bush will work to make the tax code simpler for taxpayers, encourage saving and investment, and improve the economy’s ability to create jobs and raise wages.
Helping the Working Uninsured by Expanding Health Savings Accounts: President Bush will propose a tax credit for Health Savings Account contributions to help individuals and families who work for small businesses fund their Health Savings Accounts.
Make Health Care Accessible: President Bush will call for a community health center in every poor county in America.
As much as we all would love free national health care. It is simply not possible with our population. If you know a Canadian ask them how long it takes them to see a doctor and then ask them if they have a choice in the doctor they see. Personally, I don\'t feel like having to wait 6 months for a doctors appointment. National health care is great for small (population) socialist countries, but it would never work in the US.
Homeownership: President Bush will provide assistance to help America to meet his new goal of creating 7 million new, affordable homes in 10 years.
I have bought 2 homes since GWB has been in office.
Social Security Reform: President Bush will strengthen and enhance Social Security, guaranteeing no changes in benefits for current retirees and near-retirees, while giving younger workers the opportunity to use their Social Security payroll taxes to build a nest egg for retirement that can be passed on to their families.
The one thing I can say about Alabama that they do right is personal retirement accounts for all government employees. In one year I have put aside $13k that is earning interest - it is a good idea.
Help Small Businesses: President Bush will help small businesses in a number of ways, including by allowing them to band together to provide more affordable health care for their employees through Association Health Plans.
This is a realistic goal - I work in a place that has less than 25 employees and I pay $445 a month for my families health insurance (spouse and 1 child). If were able to combine our policy with another agency we would pay a much smaller premium.
Fight the War On Offense: President Bush will continue to lead a worldwide coalition to fight terrorists abroad so we do not have to face them here at home.
Intelligence Reform: President Bush will work with a new National Intelligence Director to improve the quality and quantity of our intelligence and our ability to disrupt and prevent terrorist attacks.
Troop Redeployment: President Bush will restructure American forces overseas to use existing forces more effectively and to support servicemen, servicewomen, and their families more efficiently.
Finally a plan for the post cold war era.
Welfare Reform: President Bush will continue to press for reauthorization of welfare reform and to build on its successes, strengthening families and helping more welfare recipients achieve independence through work.
I am all for this. It encourages one to get off of welfare and be independent. This not only strengthens individuals and gives them a feeling of self worth, but it also strengthens our economy.
Some things I don\'t like:
Faith-Based and Community Initiatives: President Bush will continue to support the good work of community and faith-based groups and help ensure that these charities can participate in Federal, state, and local programs without discrimination.
Don\'t really see a point in this...
Opportunity Zones: President Bush will create new Opportunity Zones, which will encourage public and private investment and provide priority consideration for Federal benefits to communities that are under economic hardship.
Mumbo jumbo about creating new jobs... I could be wrong, but I don\'t see this being very successful.
As I have stated before - I like a lot of things Bush does, but I don\'t like any religious overtones which is why I liked the RNC as it kept that to a minimum.