You know, the amazing part is you went from this religious zealot who did not believe in premartial sex, to someone who is the redheaded version of Spudz, all you want to post about is how cool college is because you can drink. You know, I guess drinking is cool for someone who can\'t
legally do it, but for us of legal age, it really isn\'t all that cool. Fact is, none of us could give a shit.
Congratulation\'s, you are in college, good for you. There are plenty of other board members in college and do you see us giving them a hard time? No. Why? Because they don\'t go out of their way to talk about drinking in college in every f*king thread. You are not accomplishing a ****ing thing and you are not impressing any of us in the least and don\'t say you are not trying to impress us, if you wasn\'t, you would not spend so much time on this board posting all this complete bullshit.
So, to sum all this up.
No one cares .
No one cares that you can drink in college.
You still lack a life, otherwise you would not post on this board and try to impress us.
Grow the **** up.
Thank you and goodnight.
Dude, there are 800 million kids in schools just like yours all around the world.
Notre Dame is a fine school, but don\'t think your super special for being there, I know 3 people personally who went to Notre Dame and ended up doing nothing with thier lives.
You made it there, but that is the SMALLEST part of going to college.
All I know is that sence you\'ve gone to Notre Dame, all you\'ve talked about is how you go to Notre Dame, and we stopped being impressed a few weeks ago. So shut up and go to class
Exactly. Plenty of people make it into fine schools and don\'t do jack shit with their life. And plenty of people don\'t go to college and are content with their life. Life is nothing more than what you make of it .