Ive bought it and have played it online, lagging is minimal with 4 persons online as Lucas Arts supply you a patch to enhance the speed.The patch is stored in your memory card.
I used mic and headset,no communications problem whatsoever and it was like there are too many vehicles to pilot.
By the way i like to play as the supporting role, PILOT.Yes, instead of fighting against each other mindlessly, all 4 person stand united with the REPUBLIC and the cooperative play is as fun as JOYRIDE.I give my online buddies medikits when they have taken heavy enemy punishment.Lots of vehicles that can allow more than 1 or 2 person on board.For example,AT AT, there is one human driver and another human could be a co pilot manning the additional turret.
Even if you don\'t have online, the single player and split screen offers some fantastic gameplay.
This and Monster Hunter will be ps2 ONLINE GAME of the year.
My online name is Waspman.