Originally posted by Black Samurai
The GOP can NOT win this election on the issues. They would rather focus on "flip-flopping". Still as one intelligent debater said recently, "You can be certain but be wrong".
These are issues. Kerry\'s voting record is an issue! His inconsistancy is an issue!
Flip flopping? You mean like one not so intelligent debater did recently?
KERRY CLAIMS HE\'S "NEVER, EVER" USED WORD "LYING" IN REFERENCE TO PRESIDENT BUSH ON IRAQ. JIM LEHRER: "New question, Senator Kerry. Two minutes. You\'ve repeatedly accused President Bush, not here tonight but elsewhere before, of not telling the truth about Iraq. Essentially, of lying to the American people about Iraq. Give us some examples of what you consider to be his not telling the truth." SEN. KERRY: "Well, I\'ve never, ever used the harshest word as you just did." (Sen. John Kerry, First Presidential Debate, Miami, FL, 9/30/04)
BUT IN DECEMBER 2003, KERRY TOLD NEW HAMPSHIRE EDITORIAL BOARD BUSH "LIED" ABOUT REASON FOR GOING TO WAR IN IRAQ. "Kerry also told a New Hampshire newspaper editorial board Friday that Bush had \'lied\' about his reasons for going to war in Iraq, a word Kerry has been reluctant to use publicly for months. Yesterday he said he did not plan to use the word again." (Patrick Healy, "Kerry Camp Lowers N.H. Expectations Behind In Polls, Senator Now Seeks Spot In \'Top Two,\'" The Boston Globe, 12/8/03)
AND IN SEPTEMBER 2003, KERRY SAID BUSH ADMINISTRATION "LIED" AND "MISLED." "This administration has lied to us. They have misled us. And they have broken their promises to us. The president promised to the people and the Congress that he would build an international coalition, respect the United Nations\' process and only go to war as a last resort. I will tell you that from my war fighting experience, I believe there is a test for a president as to how you go to war. And that test is whether or not you can look in the eyes of parents and say to them, \'I did everything possible to avoid the loss of your son and daughter, but we had no other choice in order to protect the security of our nation,\' and I know this president fails that test in Iraq." (Sen. John Kerry, Campaign Event, Claremont, NH, 9/20/03)
Face it BS - If the Dems had any decent candidate this year the election would over - Hell I would even vote for someone electable other than those two, but I can\'t and Kerry is weaker than Bush when it comes to making decisions.