What would the world consider imminent?
Well, generally it means "about to happen".
I am not willing to put that decision in a governing world body\'s hand. With allies like France who needs enemies? We haven\'t been close to France since the the 80\'s when they wouldn\'t allow us to use their airspace so Reagan could attack Libya for sponsoring terrorism.
Okay forget France, let\'s talk about all those other countries that make up the eastern world. There needs to be stronger relations and Bush just doesn\'t seem to make an effort and even worse it seems like he doesn\'t care. No doubt he\'s tried, that\'s not good enough. I want to hear about how he\'s going to pursue a global alliance on the war on terror. We absolutely will not win the global terror threat alone. Bush would rather have you believe "mission accomplished" or some shit like that.
Giga, you keep going back to Iraq and I don\'t think you\'re seeing the bigger picture. If there is to be a "victory" on the global terror threat then everyone has to help thus the NEED for stronger alliances. Bush has caught quite a bit of criticism from other countries concerning his approach with the Iraq war and that shows from the lack of support and from countries losing interest in our efforts. He took decisive action without the
facts, of course he\'s going to lose some credibility. It\'s our mess, now we have to clean it up.
Threats come in many different varieties. Go back up and read my post about Iraqi intelligence from the UK, Russia and CIA and couple that with how Saddam felt about the US and how he was sponsoring suicide bombers in Israel. It doesn\'t take a rocket scientist to see that Saddam was a credible threat to the US.
Why is it that
all this intelligence has proven to be false?