Originally posted by Eiksirf
Nintendo wants to use the wireless download functions, not just for single-card multiplayer, but for downloading temporary demos from stores and, get this, downloading new Pokemon for the GBA Pokemon game while at a theater watching the newest Pokemon movies.
And Sony isn\'t dropping the ball either. For example, PSP will have nice graphics.
You don\'t consider the Duel Screen/touch screen innovative???
No doubt PSP will have nice graphics, it looks amazing however Sony has some issues to address. The system supposedly runs very hot, battery life is up to the developers, and as of the moment the launch list is rather short. It just seems like it\'s being rushed at the moment...
I really didn\'t want this to turn into a PSP thread...I\'m tempted to make a PSP vs. DS to divert all this comparison.
EDIT: In fact, you know what. Lord Nicon, you\'re right. Eik, you\'re right. Just please drop it. If you really want I\'ll put together a PSP vs. DS thread, just don\'t ruin this one!
SECOND EDIT: I don\'t like how I left it, I\'m going to put together a PSP vs. DS thread. I just need to gather some info...