One time, I made a child molester for the Sims. No joke, he worked as a doctor and a sort of "PAX friendly" Buffalo Bill type serial killer that imprisons his victims for extended periods of time. His victim was a 12-year-old boy, so Michael Jackson would definitely approve.
The funniest part of it (and what I focused on) was the environment. A small, 3 room house.. then a fully enclosed backyard with a medium-sized shed. Outside of the two structures.. as many pine trees would fit into the grid.. with one extremely strange "clown painting" shrine located deep in the woods away from the 2 houses. Yeah.
We all laughed at how the so-called child predator just drugged up the kid, put him in the stone shed, then removed the door. Hooray!
That\'s not the best house I did, though. I made a few huge households, some redundant. My first big one was a bachelor.. probably a lawyer.. living in the biggest, most bloated house with virtually everything.. including 3 or 4 bedrooms with certain designations.. although he always slept in the God damned worst one that used to belong to his brother and was being used as a guest room. Bastard.