I\'m going to apply for a ccw as soon as I move into my house (Erie county). In the state of NY, excluding NYC, you must have a ccw in order to own a handgun. I love target shooting and plan to shoot competitively. I had to sell my handguns when I moved from Kansas to NY. And yes, I will likely carry concealed, although that\'s not my main objective in owning a handgun. I realize that it\'s highly unlikely that I\'ll ever need to use it. I realize that if I do, I\'ll be in a world of paperwork, courts, and lawyers. But I\'m not naive enough to think that "it\'ll never happen to me." I have zero problem with law-abiding citizens owning firearms. I feel more endangered out on a highway where any freaking idiot can drive a 2000-6500 pound battering ram upwards of 100mph.
An armed society is a polite society.