The two of you are talking out of yer asses.
There is ONLY ONE race of humans. However, there are many varieties due to our adaptive genetics. And coz of our language, race also means "skin tone".
Tens of thousands of years when many groups of humans were isolated, their physical bodies had to adapt to their environment. Hence why there are people from the tropics with broader noses (Central Africa, South East Asia, South America) and there are people with narrower noses in the areas with dryer air (Middle East, Northern Asia, North America, North Africa and Europe, for example). That\'s just one example.
As far as genes go, there are recessive genes and there are dominant genes. Dark skin is typically a 3 to 1 dominant gene over fair skin. Blue and brown eyed people, the blue eyes are recessive so chances are, their children will most likely have brown eyes. But there\'s still that possibility that one of the kids will have blue eyes. However, the GENETIC MAKE UP OF THE OFFSPRING WILL ALWAYS BE 50-50! Not 90-10, not 40-60! That is basic biology.
Coz the male sperms only carries HALF of the genes of that man and the female\'s egg carries only half of the genes of that woman.
THEREFORE, Tiger Woods is HALF ASIAN + HALF BLACK = HUMAN. GEEZ! If you want to judge a person\'s "race" by their phenotype (physical appearance) that\'s your preference. But once you KNOW who their parents are, then you should at least acknowledge that.
So this thing about "duh....if the father is black and the mother ain\'t then the children are black".
That\'s ignorance. Go back to middle school and take basic biology over again. I can\'t believe some of the things you uneducated kids say! Change the channel from MTV and watch TLC or Discovery channel....PLEASE learn something! TODAY!