Originally posted by mjps21983
And what makes you think all of what you just said is correct Core?
I do not assume that I am correct about the current status of this war or the future of the war. I was against it from the beginning because I believed the Bush administration\'s justifications for it were flimsy. That belief has been borne out. Now that we\'re stuck with this war, I honestly don\'t know what will happen next, but I don\'t see it getting better.
I\'m basing my opinion on what I observe, not what I want to be true. I
would like these republican\'s vision of the war to be true. It would be great if the Iraqi people would train up a huge reliable police force of their own, and take over making their own nation secure, and so forth. To be perfectly frank, I don\'t see it happening. The crazy ideology of the Bush administration and several people on this forum is something like the old Vietnam bullshit: "Inside every gook, there\'s an American waiting to get out." That\'s what Bush is saying when he says we need to "spread freedom and liberty." He\'s saying these Iraqis are just waiting for us to bestow our blessing of americanism on them, and they\'ll eat it up like candy.
Well I have to say that was bullshit then, and it\'s bullshit today. The world doesn\'t like us. They don\'t want to be like us. If we claim to like democracy, then they probably figure there must be something wrong with it. I think the Iraqis would rather be alive than free. You can say what a bad place Iraq was under Saddam Hussein, but I\'ll bet it was safer and more stable for most of them than it is now. And who knows how much worse it will get, especially if some zealous islamic cleric takes over the country? Their first order of business might be some enormous political cleansing.
I think that is the natural direction the country would go in if we left. If we don\'t want that to happen, then we have to make the country go in an
unnatural direction by force. That means more resistance, more insurgency, and more lives and dollars spent. We cannot outlast the insurgents. They will be there the day after we leave, even if that\'s 100 years in the future. Why didn\'t we learn that lesson from Vietnam? Why is everyone here unwilling to see it?