Hey guys, how r u? I\'m very busy at university and just wished to ask you a question about a project I must accomplish for a subject. The matter is that i have to make a website that deals with a Trivia-like game. I\'ve thought to develop a simple website, plain with a series of questions in the following way: question1 appears on screen and a text field to insert the correct answer... if the answer is OK, once you click on ACCEPT, the following page (question2) will appear, till the last question give you access to the final master password = winner.
This game is thought to be carried out in classroom, in aprox 1 hour or so... The problem is that my web developer level is a bit low. I can make simple webpages, links, insert elements, etc... I use frontpage (ok, that\'s for newbies but enough for me)... I wonder if any guru out there could tell me how to implement the password module to include in the game.
If nobody replies, i\'m lost... any advice and help will be greatly received.
Thanx a lot.