Xbox Live cost is pittance if you have a job ($5/mo)
yeah.. but i already pay 39.99 to my ISP for internet, and i already bought the game 49$(+). i dont need to add another service, that actually does nothing to prevent cheats, save game exploit or bandwith stability.
i dont need to pay my games X% more because the developers need to give money to MS to include the "live logo on the box" and i dont want to pay X% more on my games because the developer need to buy MS license code to build their live features.
At least, on PS, when the game is live you know you paid x% more on the game because the developer took time to write is code and build up is online server.
I played Everquest 5 years, paid 12$ a month (9$ at some point) and if MS or Sony service would be similar, i probably wouldnt mind paying.
MS is offering nothing more then what you have in the PC world or PSx.. but you pay 5$ fror it.