I don\'t want to derail this topic... eh, maybe I do, but I\'m for a woman\'s right to choose. It\'s not because I think people shouldn\'t have to put up with births due to promiscuous sex or anything like that, but it\'s because we, as a nation, have not taken responsibility for the children born and given up for adoption. What good is giving birth to hundreds of unwanted children? How many people in this forum have actually been morally religious enough to support this "no abortion" stance and yet remain to do nothing about the children without a good home? I just don\'t see the logic behind the double standard on this one...
People would rather pay 70 cents a week to adopt a kid from Africa then to adopt a kid here from America. What kind of whacked out shit is that? And yet there are people who believe having more unwanted children given up for adoption is somehow a good thing?
I just don\'t understand the justification behind that. Someone, please, anyone who believes in taking away a woman\'s right to choose, please explain to me why.