I understand, and as I said I do not condone Artest\'s actions, but it was not an "Artest" incident. If this would\'ve happened to other players they mostly would\'ve reacted the same way.
I work in the media and have talked with a few players of other teams outside the Pacers and Pistons and they were mainly either "no comment" or understood.
It is easy for us to say, walk away. I tell anybody squaring off to fight, to "walk away"... I am not much of a fighter. I am a big 6\'4" 265 pound guy who can look intimidating, but I have never thrown a punch, even when in a situation where I probably should have. But at the same point in time, I have never been in a situation where I have been surrounded by such a big event where the stress level is high anyway. I mean how many people in real life do you see start a fight just because someone verbally abuses them in the street. These NBA players have people yelling in their ears all game long because unlike other sports, they are in arms length of fans.
Most NBA players brush off the fans and thats that. Its part of the gig, but when their is a fight in a highly competitive game and fans screaming at you and people shoving around you and then finally something hits you, a lot of people will snap.
Again, I say that, but I believe suspensions are in order. Now as to the fans on the court, Fair game. No fan should enter the court and start moving toward an emotionally charged player unless they are asking for it.
Whatever the NBA lays down, 10-20-30-40 out for year.. I believe I can stand by that. But I will not blame Artest alone.
If Wallace hadn\'t pushed Artest, this wouldn\'t have happened. Had the officials gotten control quicker, this wouldn\'t have happened, had the fan missed... this might not have happened... had Artest not gone into the fans, this woud not have happened. Had Artest and Wallace not been bumping hard all game long, this might not have happened... there are so many things that can be blamed as to why this happened, I don\'t know why Artest must be the sole person to blame for this.
And as I stated earlier, Detroit (unlike SwifDi says) is a fine City. I have been there a couple of times and have no problems with the city, their fans, etc. Artest gets more blame unfairly for the incident last night, but so do the detroit fans. One or two dumbass intoxicated fans does not represent 30,000 people in the stadium. Nor do the other 100-150 people that joined in.