Sorry but I think alot of your requests are impossible becuz most of them are code related, which is of course non reversable for those older games.
As for the texture and loading issues on your PS2 with PSone games :
I discovered it\'s best to choose either faster loading OR texture smoothing. Selecting both at the same time results in the texture glitches you\'re seeing. Usually I only select texture smoothing when playing a PSone game on PS2.
My points :
Although I\'m not a great fan of typical Nintendo games I applaud them for trying to stay true to their philosophy. 3rd party games on Cube ? MGS Twin Snakes, RE games, SplinterCell etc.
For the next Nintendo console they only need to FIRE their current console casing designer and lower the 3rd party license fees a bit.
Really, imo a slick design like Sony\'s PS2 slimline console can do WONDERS for Nintendo\'s CORPORATE IMAGE ! Yes I notice kids begging their parents for such a new PS2 slimline console. 12 year olds of today are not the 12 year olds of a decade ago ; these kids KNOW design.
Bring back that sparkle from the SNES/N64 era. That Diddy Kong racing game on animals which was due for the Cube looked really cool. Too bad it got cancelled !
MS please shrink your console ! More games like Steel Battalion, but without the need for such a friggin\' expensive controller !
Sony should imo be less dependant on the big publishers as for brand recognition. Too much pulp is invading their games library.
I\'m talking Hollywood movie franchise games which always turn out to be crap. Stuff like that. Give more funding to guys like the Ico team. Stimulate original projects like that Japanese game which has this character collecting/rolling objects as a magnet.
Overall : imo the industry needs to be aware of the business model they\'re gonna use. Are they gonna keep the full Console & Disc based model or are they gonna liquidate the console into internet integration where our legally bought content will be controlled by monthly subscription service ?
Personally I\'m against any move towards the latter option becuz it opens the door for big publishing suits who don\'t give a damn about the content anyway, to put a proverbial leash (stranglecord) around the consumer\'s neck. Before you know it these corporate suits will decide, even more so than they already do now, what content, how and when we will play. The Valve / Vivendi thing as an example to my disgust. Please let gaming land NOT turn into Game Hollywood ... please let it NOT be
(the way it\'s infecting games right now is worse enough) The content should be literally in the gamer\'s / consumer\'s hands. That means physical content. Reallife demand for content should imo dictate what\'s hot & what\'s not. Not some greedy publisher management team. Yeah I now there are also greedy devs, but at least there are enough devs around who actually still care about what they produce. Even though Ubisoft has grown huge they still give Ubi Montreal half a year more time and funding to fine tune Splinter Cell 3. Any greedy publisher would have rushed it out anyway. I applaud Ubi alot for this ! Vive Ubisoft ! How many Bond titles EA !? ( see recent GoldenEye : Rogue Agent reviews please heheh) Please get Bond content back into Brittish hands.
AI. Single player games will need a revolution in AI. Most ppl will probably focus on graphics again anyway, even if they say they don\'t. For the next generation gameplay of single player games to keep being entertaining and their gameplay evolve, the code\'s AI needs a huge step up.
All these ppl now, who\'ve grown up with games have accumulated this massive awareness about what to expect from a single player game. They play it for month or so and then they\'ll get bored from the limited AI and scripted events and the game\'ll go into the cupboard. With the next gen visuals the games\' AI needs to react in a way just as complex/ interesting as the graphics look. I\'d say the industry should be drafting new coding talent about right now. Yeah, it needs a scientific level up !
Just my 2 cents. :thepimp: