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Author Topic: Swedes Reach Muslim Breaking Point  (Read 475 times)

Offline GigaShadow
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Swedes Reach Muslim Breaking Point
« on: November 29, 2004, 06:21:59 AM »
For you fastson, since I didn\'t have a link last week. ;)

Swedes Reach Muslim Breaking Point  
Friday, November 26, 2004
By Steve Harrigan

MALMO, Sweden — Swedish authorities in the southern city of Malmo (search) have been busy with a sudden influx of Muslim immigrants — 90 percent of whom are unemployed and many who are angry and taking it out on the country that took them in.

"If we park our car it will be damaged — so we have to go very often in two vehicles, one just to protect the other vehicle," said Rolf Landgren, a Malmo police officer.

Fear of violence has changed the way police, firemen and emergency workers do their jobs.

There are some neighborhoods Swedish ambulance drivers will not go to without a police escort. Angry crowds have threatened them, telling them which patient to take and which ones to leave behind.

Because Sweden has some of the most liberal asylum laws in Europe, one quarter of Malmo\'s 250,000 population is now Muslim, changing the face and the idea of what it means to be Swedish. Asylum seekers may bring spouses, brothers and grandparents with them. Civil servants say the city is swamped.

"You have 1,000 students in a Swedish school. How many are Swedes? Two," said Lars Birgersson, principal of the Rosengrad School.

Students arrive at age 10 or 12 from countries like Iraq, Iran and Lebanon with no knowledge of Swedish; some have never been to school at all and many classes require interpreters.

Still, more than half won\'t graduate.

"They are not a part of Swedish society, so to speak. It is difficult for them to get inside society," said Torsten Elofsson of the Malmo Police Department.

However, they are the most rapidly growing segment of Swedish society — outsiders who are already inside, posing a challenge to legendary Swedish tolerance that has now been stretched to the breaking point.

Malmo\'s main mosque was recently set ablaze by arsonists. When firefighters arrived on the scene, they were attacked by stone throwers.

« Last Edit: November 29, 2004, 06:23:10 AM by GigaShadow »
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Offline fastson
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Swedes Reach Muslim Breaking Point
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2004, 09:35:23 AM »
I actually saw that a few days ago (Google Search: Arbetslöshet Rosengård 90%). 90% of the immigrant people living in Rosengård (district of Malmö http://www.stadskartan.se/start/karta.asp?kartid=4059) is unemployed, total population of Rosengård being about 20 500 people.

The total figure for the whole country when it comes to non-nordic immigrants is 13.2%.

Fox News (or you) made it sound as if that figure (90%) was the figure for the total Muslim population in the whole nation.

"Arbetslösheten bland utomnordiska invandrare uppgår för närvarande till 13,2 %." [soruce: parliamentary bill- 2004/05:A210]

So nothing new really. Rosengård is the worst example, Fox News seems to think (or wants you to think) the situation is the same all over.
Nice selective reporting, they should have named the nifty little reportage “Rosengård under siege”. :)
I saw the Fox News link being posted elsewhere and people got a good laugh out of it, people said “It looks like we have a civil war going on”, “We are being besieged?”. I guess the socialist brainwashing machine is pretty efficient, huh? ;)
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Offline GmanJoe

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Swedes Reach Muslim Breaking Point
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2004, 09:58:54 AM »
*waits for bombs to go off in Sweden*
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Offline fastson
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Swedes Reach Muslim Breaking Point
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2004, 10:22:50 AM »
We are not worried, Usama said he likes us. ;)

EDIT: The only bombs I can remember being detonated were by extreme right wingers, trying to kill cops.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2004, 10:28:53 AM by fastson »
\"Behold, my son, with how little wisdom the world is governed\"
-Axel Oxenstierna 1648


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