Like I care less, there is no debating any logic with someone of your intelligence. It just simply is not possible. However, due to boredom, I will go ahead with this.
Let me quote myself.
Mark as me as one who thinks the DS and PSP are both just shit idea\'s. 3D on handhelds, no thanks.
Note the key word in that quote, the key word is
"thinks" , this could also be phrased or easily noted as my opinion. Nowhere did I state that 3D gaming was the end all of gaming and that it was bad for everyone. Infact, I actually said "mark me as one thinks". Somewhere in such a simple statement, you got lost and took it as though I said anyone who liked 3D had shitty taste. Not sure where you got that, other than the fact you lack of the basic reading skills.
Do me a favour, get back to me and we\'ll debate. Just make sure your IQ and reading skills have raised above that of a mentally challenged child.