Congress? War? We never declared war, to my knowledge. Nor did Bush seek Congressional approval of the military operation. Maybe you chose to ignore it, and we can both agree the average American doesn\'t really care about liberating them, but Bush, like the average American, will pretend to want to, just because it is the correct and proper thing to do. He did use it as a reason we needed to do this.
There might be no WMDs (I won\'t debate you on the probability they were moved out the moment the conflict started - its a huge ****ing desert and we would both be arguing something we will probably never really know), but Saddam\'s regime WAS an immediate threat to the US and indeed the world as it was funding al Qaeda and other groups. Was it the US\'s biggest problem? No, I\'ll admit that. But they were a problem, one that\'s needed taking care of for quite some time now. Bush took the opprotunity to fix a lot of things - both in self-interest and for the good of the world - that his father and Billy boy didn\'t by getting into this conflict. And when all is said and done, imperfect election notwithstanding, the world will be a slightly better place to live in.
I hope for and would support Bush continuing the war on terror beyond Iraq and finishing the hunt for the rest if aQ, and then moving on to Korea, and Africa. Stabalizing the rest of the world is in the self interest of every industrialized country, even if they are too blind in their own downward spiral into impotence (like most of Europe) to realize it.