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Author Topic: CIA confirms: Iraq now a training ground for terrorists. (It wasn\'t before)  (Read 1385 times)

Offline SirMystiq

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CIA confirms: Iraq now a training ground for terrorists. (It wasn\'t before)
« Reply #15 on: January 30, 2005, 01:01:10 PM »
Clips is right.

I have a hard time seeing a bunch of Muslims running down our streets killing everybody with an AK. I would love to see them get into the country even more. That would be amazing.
Don\'t try to confuse me with what you call  facts, my mind is already made up.

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CIA confirms: Iraq now a training ground for terrorists. (It wasn\'t before)
« Reply #16 on: January 30, 2005, 01:17:19 PM »
Originally posted by SirMystiq
Clips is right.

I have a hard time seeing a bunch of Muslims running down our streets killing everybody with an AK. I would love to see them get into the country even more. That would be amazing.

i don\'t think it will be as clearcut as that...but y\'know i travel to new york alot..and go through the holland tunnel....yea they stop box trucks and things of that nature...but cars go thru the tunnel with ease...i know it\'s impossible to stop every car, but s**t all you really have to do is load up the trunk of a vehicle with explosives and voila...major catastrophe.

i\'m not wishing that this happens... s**t i still live here, i\'m just sayin\' it\'s not a matter of where, it\'s when. maybe these terrorists want to mount an attack of either greater or equal that of the twin towers...when i\'m on the nj turnpike and i see those huge gas taks in those fields off on the side road. i think like "damn...all somebody has to do is launch a grenade, or some low level explosive of some sort and cause a firestorm of imacculent (spel) proportions....

yes i know nothing is fool proof..but to say just because we\'re fighting them over there doesn\'t mean they can\'t do something over here...physically or biologically........
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CIA confirms: Iraq now a training ground for terrorists. (It wasn\'t before)
« Reply #17 on: January 30, 2005, 01:31:00 PM »
Originally posted by clips
i don\'t think it will be as clearcut as that...but y\'know i travel to new york alot..and go through the holland tunnel....yea they stop box trucks and things of that nature...but cars go thru the tunnel with ease...i know it\'s impossible to stop every car, but s**t all you really have to do is load up the trunk of a vehicle with explosives and voila...major catastrophe.

i\'m not wishing that this happens... s**t i still live here, i\'m just sayin\' it\'s not a matter of where, it\'s when. maybe these terrorists want to mount an attack of either greater or equal that of the twin towers...when i\'m on the nj turnpike and i see those huge gas taks in those fields off on the side road. i think like "damn...all somebody has to do is launch a grenade, or some low level explosive of some sort and cause a firestorm of imacculent (spel) proportions....

yes i know nothing is fool proof..but to say just because we\'re fighting them over there doesn\'t mean they can\'t do something over here...physically or biologically........

Good point.

But the way these people make it seem is as if Iraq is the only place for terrorist to breed the next gen. It\'s not. The probability of being attacked within our borders is still very high and the terrorist won\'t perticularly be from Iraq. They could be from SA...again for all we know.
Don\'t try to confuse me with what you call  facts, my mind is already made up.

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CIA confirms: Iraq now a training ground for terrorists. (It wasn\'t before)
« Reply #18 on: January 30, 2005, 04:28:44 PM »
Originally posted by clips
i don\'t think it will be as clearcut as that...but y\'know i travel to new york alot..and go through the holland tunnel....yea they stop box trucks and things of that nature...but cars go thru the tunnel with ease...i know it\'s impossible to stop every car, but s**t all you really have to do is load up the trunk of a vehicle with explosives and voila...major catastrophe.

i\'m not wishing that this happens... s**t i still live here, i\'m just sayin\' it\'s not a matter of where, it\'s when. maybe these terrorists want to mount an attack of either greater or equal that of the twin towers...when i\'m on the nj turnpike and i see those huge gas taks in those fields off on the side road. i think like "damn...all somebody has to do is launch a grenade, or some low level explosive of some sort and cause a firestorm of imacculent (spel) proportions....

yes i know nothing is fool proof..but to say just because we\'re fighting them over there doesn\'t mean they can\'t do something over here...physically or biologically........

A note on those gas tanks. They are reinforced pretty thick to keep things like heavy storms and such to survive those. If someone shot a grenade, I doubt anything would have happened. If they planted C4 or something big on it, then maybe something would happen. However, they would probably get caught by security.

Nuclear plants are another controversey for terrorist attacks. I don\'t think its possible. The walls are so incredibly thick, they say even jumbo jets couldn\'t break through the reactor walls. So I don\'t think nuclear plants are a prime target for terrorists.
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CIA confirms: Iraq now a training ground for terrorists. (It wasn\'t before)
« Reply #19 on: February 16, 2005, 04:05:40 PM »
Some people didn\'t seem to understand it the first time, so the CIA keeps repeating:

Iraq Conflict Feeds International Terror Threat -CIA

"The Iraq conflict, while not a cause of extremism, has become a cause for extremists," Goss told the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.

"Those jihadists who survive will leave Iraq experienced in and focused on acts of urban terrorism. They represent a potential pool of contacts to build transnational terrorist cells, groups and networks in Saudi Arabia, Jordan and other countries," he said.

President Bush, who portrays U.S.-led actions in Iraq as the leading edge of democratic reform in the Middle East, cited Iraqi backing for international terrorism as a reason for the 2003 invasion.

But a top level U.S. inquiry found last year that there had in fact been no collaboration between al Qaeda and Iraq under President Saddam Hussein.

"These sentences indicate Goss is very much listening to what his analysts are saying, and not necessarily to what the White House wants to hear," said Kenneth Katzman, terrorism analyst for the Congressional Research Service.
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