That they are impressionable humans. That many ideas are common to all kinds. Slavery was practiced independently among many, many groups of people that never had contact with one another. Religions formed independently everywhere, et al.
Can you tell me why a teen that know that his parents friends and society wouldnt accept him, would want to be gay?
There are many gays that are scared to tell anyone!We are talking about people who since were kids homosexual attraction developed inside them without even wanting to be like that.
A look at Greece and Rome will show two societies where homosexuality was rampant. Was it because Greco-Romans were more genetically-inclined for homosexuality? Doubtful, otherwise their descendants would be too, and they are not. It was much more acceptable in those societies, therefore, there was much more of it.
It was rambant because nobody was scared to show his/hers sexual orientation.
Also in Greece every teenager boy had to be shown the art of love by a man who WAS NOT ALLOWED TO DO ANY KIND OF INSERTION OTHERWISE HE SHOULD HAVE FACED A PUNISHMENT!
Also since homosexual act wasnt anything strange nobody was scared to try something different.But that was just an idea.Seek of a diferent experience.Something that happens in some degree today BUT
There are people who have a miserable life because they cant feel sexual attraction to the opposite sex NO MATTER HOW MUCH THEY TRY.Its not a matter of choice for them or a matter of a different experience or of impressionism or of rebellion
You take the example of people that choose to have sex just like that with the same gender as if its the absolute case with everyone.Please!Stop being such an ignorant
edit:What you said isnt wrong!But thats not always the case!You are wrong that everyone chooses to be gay only for the reasons you said.But its not always a result of conscious choice