Originally posted by GigaShadow
No, but I have read reviews and heard countless other opinions on it. The same crowd that thought F911 was a great movie think this one is as well... need I say more?
Speaking of F911 - no Oscar Nominations I see
So I see there\'s no need for you to think for yourself, when you have so many conservative news outlets to do your thinking for you.
That\'s fine if you want to proceed that way in your own life, but please refrain from holding forth on a book, movie, television show, or anything else as if you have seen it, when you haven\'t. That ought to be a simple common sense rule of this forum. If you haven\'t seen it or read it, then your opinion on it has very little value, and you might want to consider not posting. I do that all the time. I REFRAIN from posting on something that I don\'t know anything about. Does that make sense to you? Consider admitting to yourself that you don\'t know what you\'re talking about, instead of constantly trying to score points and put Sir Mystiq in his place.
You should at minimum preface your comments by acknowledging that you haven\'t seen it. That would at least save me the time of countering your ill informed opinon.
BTW, Michael Moore did not submit F/911 for academy award consideration because at the time of the oscar deadline, he was still considering having it broadcast on television, which would have excluded it. It wasn\'t nominated because it wasn\'t submitted.