It\'s true. If mm were a woman I\'d so do him... her.
Seriously though, let\'s liven the looks some. Hey, I\'ll even be the fag for a while. We\'ll play "Queer Eye For The Straight Forum"
No, honey, no. This won\'t do at ALL! Who tought you how to dress, your Goth friend Beelzebub? Where are the PIERCINGS and FISHNET SHIRTSLEEVES, for crying out loud? Where\'s the MARILYN MANSION music? Sweetheart, this just won\'t do. Pure black is so 1968. Do I LOOK like Martin Luther Queen? This isn\'t the civil rights era! Now, what we need is a splash of COLOR and some fuzzy frills! We need posh leather chairs! We need art deco! We need Duran Duran playing on the stereo! Oh my GOD girl, by the time i\'m done this place will look so Pitt-alicious it\'ll give me an erection that won\'t go down until at LEAST March 2008! WATCH OUT, LADIES! Oh, somebody call Christopher Lowell, I think I\'m going to FAINT! OH!