My resume I had to shorten big time. I really could shorten it a bit more by cutting out some of my college stuff, but I\'ve worked with a lot of equipment that people have in their studios so I want to leave it in there.
Heh, I forgot you could browse around the site now. I haven\'t done a darn thing to it. Every day I plan to work on it my dad calls me, "Hey can you help me dig a ditch?" "Can you help me build the bar?" "Want to help me lay pavers?"
Ugh. Can\'t wait till they are done with that house.
OK, you video freaks. What freaking codec do I use to get these file sizes down? THis is driving me nuts. I\'ve used everything I have and I haven\'t goten them down so good and looking decent.
DIVX looks by far the best, but I can\'t get them below 15 meg.