So today I\'m working and I walked by toys when somehting caught my eye "sneak preview" it said. They were Star Wars Episode 3 sneak preview toys of characters in Episode 3, I looked at them when I saw him...
I don\'t know if anyone of you guys followed the starwars Episode 2 special cartoons on the Cartoon Network, but there was this one episode when all the jedi\'s fight the deadliest darkside dude yet and he did a great job whooping jedi ass, plus he just look fierce. That guys name was General Grevious, well he was one of the toys and on the side of the box was how he looks in the movie, can you say awesome!
So yea General Grevious is gonna be in the movie as well as a new R2D2 dude, and some other darkside guy but I forgot his name.
IF you guys already knew this then sorry but I figured I would share.