Sorry Adan, but I disagree. Beyond and after Life is everything beyond human comprehension. Words & feelings as we know it will never be able to that any justice. I like Otomo\'s \'Akira\' very much.
As for the Life topic :
All life is equal imho. But I think each of us has an individual specific goal in life. It\'s sort of a huge lesson accustomed for everybody.
For myself I think that lesson is finding balance between socializing and keeping my uniqueness integrity in tact.
The internet company i work is on the verge of being liquidated (18th of March). For me however, this is more like a chance , than an ending becuz I now have a more open chance to pursue my goal to become a 3D artist. Lots of questions to be answered ; Maya or Cinema4D. Study in USA or trying to job app here in Holland. Portfolio and work takes up alot of time and energy and i do realize I am sacrificing alot of social life for this goal. This is a conscious decision. It hurts sometimes however, bigtime. I have a crush on a particular girl now for almost a year now ; chances are slim though becuz she finds me too old for herself (she\'s almost 18, I\'m almost 27) But I know I gotta persist in my creative effort if I don\'t wanna end up in some mediocre job. I have a creative vision, and i feel that if i don\'t realize that somewhere in my life I will have failed my goal. Yes, i am artistically ambitious, not money ambitious. (however, I wouldn\'t object being rich heheh)