After a botched job on one of my back teeth a few years ago by an old dentist, it finally gave way earlier this week, and a fairly sizable piece of it broke off.
I wasn\'t too hopeful of it being saved, and to be honest, all the aggro it\'s caused me in having to go back and get it repaired every so often, I thought I\'d be better shut of it already.
Anyway I make an appointment for today and go. I go in, he takes one look at it and says it is beyond repair, so the only course of action, is to have it out altogether.
He gives me the juice and tells me to go and wait in the hall while it kicks in. After 5 minutes or so, it starts doing it\'s thing, and he calls me back in. I sit down in the chair, and he gets all manner of equipment out (anyone remember Steve Martin as the dentist in Little shop of horrors? well that\'s what it was like).
He sitcks these pliars in my mouth, and starts pulling, twisting, turning......... you name it, he did it to try to get the tw@ out.
All is going well until I feel a shooting pain all around my jaw, the stupid tit didn\'t give me enough aneasthetic. I nearly went through the roof, and he calmly says "does it hurt when I do this?". I felt like telling him, if he did it again, he\'d find out.
He gave me some more, and it did the trick, it numbed up a treat. After what seemed like ages, the tooth came out, along with it, shit loads of blood.
He told me to sit there and rest a few minutes, while he filled me in on what I should expect to experience over the next few days. He said that I will feel extreme discomfort for about 48 hours, and he recommend I take some paracetamol at regular intervals to ease the discomfort.
As I was walking home, the numbness started to go down, and the discomfort started to kick in.
Here\'s the killer line though, I actually liked the sensation the pain caused, it\'s quite pleasurable. It\'s been 6 hours since I had it out now, and the discomfort is still there, but I don\'t really give a shit because it feels good in some sort of masochistic way.
How odd is that?
Has anyone else experienced this when having a tooth out, or any other operation/injury?