Yeah i didnt bother to get my license until i was 18.
CHIZZ raises a good point: Women suck at driving.
Young males and some males in general arent good drivers either, but i always found it funny that every problem that my mother has had with a driver on the road she always calls them "she" even if she doesnt always see the person. In all reality guys generally know more about cars and thus have a better understanding of driving. The only things that we do is try to push our limits. That or just stupid ish in general.
Another problem is road rage. I get a little bit of it, but i usually just talk shit. That or avoid the person. One time though there was this older guy (40\'s - 50\'s) in a truck behind me flashing his lights and shit when we were in a high traffic area with a speed limit of 25-30. I was already going 40 and this guy was pissing me off. I wanted to slam on the brakes but had he hit me, it would have been my fault.
In the end he tried passing me and i didnt realize it until he was almost next to me. I floored it because i wanted to make him stop/crash into the parked cars next to us but it was too late. That asshole ran 2 lights right after that. Sure i was pissed but i stopped because i didnt want to die and my gf was in the car.
Damn that was long. I just hate shitty ass drivers.