maybe u should research that alittle more.
After your dog licks its ass, you really think its cleaner...
You\'d be surprised...
But don\'t take my word for it! A small, independent study was conducted to determine the relative nastiness of canine and human mouths. For the purposes of our research, "nastiness" was defined as number of bacterial colonies per square centimeter, as determined by placement on a scale of 1 to 4 (as in "yeah, that looks like a 3." You want accuracy, call the Mayo Clinic.) The researcher decided to use gross numbers as a measure of dirtiness instead of determining the actual species of bacteria involved because most people would define "dirtiness" that way and because it was cheaper. Ten randomized humans were selected (by previously hiring them to work at the practice) and were required to submit sample of their oral flora. These were plated on Mueller-Hinton agar, along with ten samples of oral flora from random dogs, who just happened to be boarding over the July 4th weekend. The dogs were a cross section of typical canine mouths, which is to say funky, ranging from young to old, clean teeth to pyorrhea. The humans included males and females, smokers and nonsmokers, all after eating and before brushing teeth. After 48 hours incubation:
Results: Amount of bacteria
1+ 2+ 3+ 4+
Dogs 1 0 3 6
People 7 2 1
Also, how clean would your mouth be after eating poop?