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Author Topic: Coach Licks Player\'s Wounds  (Read 951 times)

Offline Evi

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Coach Licks Player\'s Wounds
« Reply #15 on: March 09, 2005, 06:49:13 PM »
That\'s a great life story there...

Offline cloud345
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Coach Licks Player\'s Wounds
« Reply #16 on: March 09, 2005, 06:52:56 PM »
Saliva can help heal because it has chemicals that kill bacteria, those same chemicals help break down food you eat. Animals such as dogs lick their wounds because of that, infact they have cleaner mouths believe it or not, because they have stronger chemicals. But hell, I dont even think animals lick other animals wounds, sick sick person......
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Offline Evi

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Coach Licks Player\'s Wounds
« Reply #17 on: March 09, 2005, 07:04:46 PM »
Licking your own wounds is fine. Someone else licking your wounds is f^cking stupid. They can give you all kinds of diseases that you wouldn\'t otherwise have. This guy is a moron.

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Coach Licks Player\'s Wounds
« Reply #18 on: March 09, 2005, 10:10:02 PM »
Originally posted by cloud345
Saliva can help heal because it has chemicals that kill bacteria, those same chemicals help break down food you eat. Animals such as dogs lick their wounds because of that, infact they have cleaner mouths believe it or not, because they have stronger chemicals. But hell, I dont even think animals lick other animals wounds, sick sick person......

:laughing:  maybe u should research that alittle more.

After your dog licks its ass, you really think its cleaner...
  Ǧµî✟å® Ĵµñķîë!!  

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Coach Licks Player\'s Wounds
« Reply #19 on: March 10, 2005, 04:59:34 AM »
That\'s hot.
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Coach Licks Player\'s Wounds
« Reply #20 on: March 10, 2005, 10:00:26 AM »
To be quite honest... I was just making a point, to make a point.
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Coach Licks Player\'s Wounds
« Reply #21 on: March 10, 2005, 12:10:04 PM »
Well if all it need was just some saliva I would have gladly spit in it.....  Do you think by hawking a great big ole green globin it might alos help in the healing process
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Offline cloud345
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Coach Licks Player\'s Wounds
« Reply #22 on: March 10, 2005, 03:27:37 PM »
maybe u should research that alittle more.

After your dog licks its ass, you really think its cleaner...

You\'d be surprised...

But don\'t take my word for it! A small, independent study was conducted to determine the relative nastiness of canine and human mouths. For the purposes of our research, "nastiness" was defined as number of bacterial colonies per square centimeter, as determined by placement on a scale of 1 to 4 (as in "yeah, that looks like a 3." You want accuracy, call the Mayo Clinic.) The researcher decided to use gross numbers as a measure of dirtiness instead of determining the actual species of bacteria involved because most people would define "dirtiness" that way and because it was cheaper. Ten randomized humans were selected (by previously hiring them to work at the practice) and were required to submit sample of their oral flora. These were plated on Mueller-Hinton agar, along with ten samples of oral flora from random dogs, who just happened to be boarding over the July 4th weekend. The dogs were a cross section of typical canine mouths, which is to say funky, ranging from young to old, clean teeth to pyorrhea. The humans included males and females, smokers and nonsmokers, all after eating and before brushing teeth. After 48 hours incubation:

Results: Amount of bacteria
1+ 2+ 3+ 4+
Dogs 1 0 3 6
People 7 2 1

Also, how clean would your mouth be after eating poop?
« Last Edit: March 10, 2005, 03:35:23 PM by cloud345 »
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Coach Licks Player\'s Wounds
« Reply #23 on: March 11, 2005, 04:45:28 PM »
Originally posted by Paul2
I didn\'t say not doing anything about it.  I say use water instead of hydrogen peroxide.  Use water to clean the cut and then wipe it off with a napkin or something.  If you add antibiotics, it helps heal faster.  But again, water with antibiotic is much better than hydrogen peroxide with antibiotic.

Hydrogen peroxide is probably better with cleaning off dirt off the skin or something, again not to be confuse with cuts or wounds, just dirt or germs on the skin.  Say, before a surgery, a nurse may uses hydrogen peroxide to clean the skin before cutting it open with a knife.

I remember when i was in 4th or 5th grade during recess, I went out play on the monkey bars.  I fell down and skinned my elbow.  I went to the nurse\'s office, the lady there just use lukewarm water to clean off the wound.  Then she probably added antibiotic (can\'t really remember) and bandaged it.  A few weeks later, the scar is very less visible, almost invisible.  Now I couldn\'t even see it at all without giving it a good look.

Back when I was in 7 and going into 8 grade, I skinned my knee in the summer.  It was deep.  My mom clean it off with hydrogen peroxide I believe, and till now, the scar still remain.  Not to mention the discoloration.  Its have this dark reddish discoloration on my knee.  Maybe someday I will go to a plastic surgery and remove the discoloration.

Eh, maybe your right. If I do clean out a cut, I usually use hydrogen peroxide when I\'m at work (should have cleared that up). Otherwise, if it is bad, I\'ll use antibiotic cream but if its some stupid little cut I do nothing...depending on where it is. I have a couple cuts on my hand I let scar for some reason. Makes me look more badass or something :fro:
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Offline Evi

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Coach Licks Player\'s Wounds
« Reply #24 on: March 11, 2005, 08:17:51 PM »
Makes me look more badass or something
It\'s only cool if you have a good story behind it. If your story is "I fell off my tricycle and got a booboo"...well then...your scar would be teh ghey. But if it was like "I got into a fight with a bear trying to protect so and so..." or "I was trying to do a backside 540° misty off a railpipe when I was snowboarding and..."


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