Originally posted by Black Samurai
If stuff like this doesn\'t matter, then what does? The Schiavo Case? You seem to think THAT is an important issue but when it comes to the governments manipulation of the media you act like it is a nonissue. That is ridiculous. You act like you would say the same thing if it were a Democratic administration when we ALL know you would not.
Really? Give me a past example. You obviously know nothing about politics and how everything from the Federal government to local governments operate. There has been no manipulation of the media to the extent you
think there has. Tell me what this has caused? What negative effect has it had? It is a nonissue. Comparing the Shiavo case with this is mixing apples and oranges. One involves politics, the other involves morality and the law.
Originally posted by Black Samurai
You have done it before. When a Democrat does something you are up in arms but when it is pointed out that the Repubs have done the same thing you ignore it. You really have NO credibility when it comes to political discussion.
All you do is make blind accusations and
never back any of your dribble up with facts - I would even go as far to say you are more of an idiot than Mystiq - not that I hold him in any high regard, but at least he attempts to inject some kind of fact into a discussion, yet you blindly rant on about me and GWB. I know more about politics and the political process than you can ever hope to learn and just because I disagree with your short sighted view I am labeled by you to have "NO crediblity". Ironically, I have heard this from you before... I am beginning to believe it is your only form of a counter argument.
Originally posted by Black Samurai
No matter what the issue is we can count on you spouting republican talking points and Mystiq spouting far left propaganda without fail. It is crazy. Pull your head out of Bush\'s ass FOR ONCE and admit that this is not cool. The fact that it has happened before does not give the Bush administration a pass.
Another blanket statement that you are completely wrong on. There are plenty of issues I don\'t agree with Bush on, but no one has brought them up. His wanting to ease immigration policy being one that comes to mind. This is such a non story - they have even stopped discussing it on a lot of anti Bush websites. Maybe it sounds like Republican talking points because I am a Republican?
ya think? I don\'t need to look any "talking points" up as they are my own thoughts. Hard to believe isn\'t it?
To think that any administration isn\'t going to try and spread positive news is unrealistic and shows your lack of real world knowledge. I hate to break it to you, but Utopia doesn\'t exist and if this were Clinton I would bet money you wouldn\'t even be talking about it, just as I wouldn\'t.