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Well, well, well. Finally, the time has come. We are at the cusp of the next-generation in videogaming and most experts agree the jump from current hardware to next will be astounding. Were you upset when True Fantasy Live Online got canned? Are you still waiting for Star Wars Galaxies? You think Delta Force Black Hawk Down\'s 50 player battles look good? Wait until you play with your clan in 5,000 player battles... XNA and the next generation of Xbox Live will make it possible. If the concept of a massive multiplayer online FPS sounds too good to be true…it isn’t. In 2006 it will all become a reality thanks to the folks at Webzen; the Korean development studio behind the Unreal Engine 3-powered gem entitled Huxley a game that will use the most advanced tools to create the ultimate Xbox Live experience. In this exclusive interview Producer, Kijong Kang, gives us the inside scoop on the beginnings of the game, Webzen’s use of the UE3 and thoughts on other next-gen technologies, and what we can expect from Huxley on the next Xbox Live.
Originally posted by mm i\'m just speculating (forecasting)
Originally posted by Knotter8 ....and I just like those graphics !