This would only encourage people not to work and go to the doctor more often. Canada has this and they don\'t treat illnesses quickly because there is usually a nice long wait to see any type of doctor. National healthcare screams Socialism - we are a Capitalist society Core. We reward those who work and not those who want a free ride. National healthcare does not encourage hard work and would only weaken our economy. The Healthcare industry wouldn\'t ever go along with this. It certainly wouldn\'t be worth going to medical school under this plan and accumulate student loan debt only to be paid a capped government rate for your work. I could go on, but national healthcare will not happen.
I should tell you, that here in Canada there is not a long wait, and we get to choose our own doctors. The costs of a visit/checkup/tests are all standardized, and the doctor you choose gets paid that amount by the provincial health plan. I generally go in same day for a regular doctor appointment.
There are some issues right now, mainly with wait times for more \'serious\' issues. High-end imaging and treatment for serious illness might have weeks or month wait times (and if you want to fork out 200k-300k you can have it done right away in the US). There\'s also a bit of a shortfall of new doctors in the country; however, that\'s more do to with insuficient native supply in med-school, and our system relying heavily on imigrant doctors that are only here for a few years to specialize.
The best way, I think, to look at universal health care is to compare it with public insurance. Everyone pays into a fund, and if you are the unlucky person to get ill (especially a serious illness), your life isn\'t crippled trying to pay the medical bills. By keeping control public, prices are determined by the government, and there is no gouging of the desperate by medical corporations. Doctors and clinics make excellent livings, and people fell confident that they will be cared for in any eventuality - basically getting what you pay for in taxes.
To me, the idea that people would sit around trying to get sick or something if they had health care seems foolish. Lots of the time, I get to nip a major illness in the bud because I go see my family GP within a few days for any serious illness, probably saving me and my dependants (employer, family) much more hassle and time. I just don\'t see how universal health care would give someone a \'free ride\'. There\'s lots of things people still have to work for, health is just one of them (house, car, clothes, \'stuff\' for the house, going out, etc, etc).