With Nintendo I don’t know what to say, the Revolution does not interest me that much. But I have a feeling either they will blow everybody’s minds or let everyone down, leaning towards the latter.
At least they will show some impressive games (Zelda).
Easy to say that when Nintendo has let almost NOTHING out about the Revolution. Come back and say it was either impressive or not impressive once we actually have a general idea about the console.
Expect a highly impressive Zelda trailer, along with the new Mario and some great GBA / DS titles . Mainly, expect strong first party support for all the Nintendo consoles, but not a big third party showing.
I predict Sony will show of a few in game demos, one of them will be Metal Gear Solid 4 set in a city, the graphics will stun everyone like when MGS2 was first shown (there is a rumour that MGS4 will be announced for PS3 at E3). Sony will not show the final PS3 “design”. I also think the hardware will be more impressive than most people thought.
MGS has ran it\'s course. The second was a let down and the third felt stale. Maybe Kojima should go back and do actual good games (See: Snatcher or Z.O.E 2). I doubt the hardware will be more impressive than what people think, only because the mindless drones expect some huge leap, which I don\'t think any console is going to deliver.
Sony better have something better than a MGS4. I would expect to see some of Killzone 2 and The Getaway 2, but neither of those games warrant any attention. Maybe an announcement about a God Of War sequel? That game deserves one.
Oh and expect more from that stupid pesudo Ico sequel.
Microsoft will show of a teaser of Halo 3 which will have the Microsoft camp holler they have won the show.
If all they have to show is HALO 3, then there will be no victory dance. MS will need at least a sequel to Fable, a CG movie of a Ninja Gaiden 2 , HALO 3 and then some strong third party support. Halo, like MGS has ran it\'s course and each company cannot rely on it\'s respective title.