This is going to be Microsoft\'s E3. They will finally reveal the Xbox 360 and confirm it will be released in North American and Europe this Fall, and it will launch with no less than 20 games at launch with more to follow shortly. I\'m guessing the base model price, that is the games only console, will have a price point of $199-249, and the HD-included console will be $249-299.
Perfect Dark Zero will be the flagship title for launch, and Kameo will be at launch or shortly thereafter. Rare will confirm that there are no less than 5 other games in development. (They have already 100% confirmed that Banjo-Kazooie 3 is in development, but I would love to see something of it)
Xbox Live will get a major overhaul and a number of added features.
They\'ll emphasize that they will support the Xbox for another couple years.
I\'m guessing Bungie will start hyping up Halo 3, perhaps showing the next-gen model of Master Chief.
The PSP will be center stage.
I believe there\'s alot more going on with the PS3 than Sony has been letting on. I expect that they will announce a Spring 2006 launch in Japan with a North American launch in the Fall. There will be two different models of the console, one with extra multi-media functions and one that is a games only device. Many of the top tier Japanese developers will be boasting about their plans for the console. They will announce an online service.
I don\'t expect that everything will be revealed about PS3, but we\'ll know enough by the end of E3 to get a good feel as to where Sony is headed.
I hope, I hope, I hope that Naughty Dog and Insomniac at least tease us with something from their next gen titles.
Nintendo will reveal their ideas for the type of games that will be possible, and perhaps we\'ll get a glimpse of the console itself and maybe a few demos. They\'ll keep most of it close to their chest, and maybe reveal the rest behind closed doors.
They\'ll talk of their next gen plans about going online, especially pushing that of the DS. The DS, I expect, will be center stage, and a new model Gameboy with MP3, MPEG3, and MPEG4 capabilities will be shown.
I wouldn\'t be totally surprised to hear them talk of their next-generation Gameboy, at the very least how it will tie in the Revolution. I\'ll be shocked if it\'s shown.