Batman Begins
rel. date : June 2005 (the movie is 15.06)
publisher : EA
developer : Eurocom
"The game is a combination of stealth, action, and new variable based on fear. It\'s also filled with scripted events that drive the story and reveal mission objectives. JT Petty, who penned the original Splinter Celland Pandora Tomorrow stories, re-wrote the Batman Begins story for the game.
So far the game resembles Splinter Cell in a few ways. Batman has many of the same moves as Sam Fisher, such as the ability to scale pipes, shimmy along ledges, and use cables to sneak across building tops.
The targeting system is handled with the D-Pad and provides small on-screen indicators of what Batman can or cannot interact with. This includes enemies, switches, and grapple points. This allows players to survey areas from a distance and maintain their cover.
The most original aspect of the game is the fear meter. Batman has the ability to see each enemy\'s heart rate and whether or not they are packing heat. When an enemy is scared they suffer from decreased shooting accuracy and combat errors. If they are really spooked they will cower on the floor or turn tail and run away. Fear increases with slick combat moves and environmental triggers that can freak out more than one enemy at the same time. This sets off an area fear meter that measures the collective fear of the characters in an environment."
Ok, so I\'m totally hyped for Nolan\'s Batman begins movie starring Bale as Batman. The game is being devved by Eurocom which imo is a great developer, certainly from a technical standpoint. The Eurocom games I know are very good ; F1 WGP 1 & 2 on N64.
They also did numerous multiport games which stood out technically very well.
JT Petty is onboard for the story/script of the game. He also did work for SplinterCell 1 and Pandora Tomorrow.
Like the previews say, the screenshots show quite some Splinter Cell influences... which might not be such a bad thing heheh.
So, the only \'problems\' which might keep this game from being superb are the afforementioned EA trademark \'HUD\' icons and possibly the \'being led by the hand gameplay for teh mainstream\'.
So, IF they are smart...then they\'ll make the game in such a way that such crap icons only appear on easy & normal difficulty levels and non of that stuff on Hard & Very Hard.
One other thing : too bad this game ain\'t due for pc which might have then included some high end pc graphics.