I just saw the press conference yesterday and i have to say, Nintendo fanboys really gobble up anything the big N has to say. In all reality though, their speakers were far better than anybody elses really except for maybe that woman trying to get her nintendog to do things and being unsuccessful.
Me, being into music production etc found that one DJ game thing to be pretty kool. They almost got me interested in DS. The presentation on the Revolution wasnt spectacular but with better speakers than anybody else, they almost make you feel that specs dont matter (hey id love to play all my old nes, snes, and 64 games that i cant play anymore).
Anyway, they said exactly what i predicted, and that was that the console would be really easy to program for allowing them to tap its full power, thus keeping it relatively in the race with sony and MS.
I still think they are making some silly moves but it should be interesting how this next gen turns out for them.