Clips\' thread gave me the idea of doing a thread on the new SOAD cd.
I think its pretty damn awesome, but theyll never make another CD that meets the standard of Toxicity and S/T. But none the less, still a very good album. The guitarist sings a crap load in it, but people have mixed feelings on his voice. I personally like it, especially on a raggae part they throw in on one of their songs (Radio/Video).
Its definitly better than Steal this Album, but seeing as STA was just extra songs from toxicity, you cant compare that album with the rest.
Just amazes me how many simple songs SOAD makes, but theyre still awesome songs. And they throw in so many different sounds in the album: acoustic, heavy (SOAD heavy..not..heavy heavy), raggae, eletronic, etc.
Not really any songs that stand out from the others. Lost in Hollywood is good for the first couple minutes but then gets tiresome.
I guess this is the first cd of a double cd release. the other one comes out in like 6 months. Kinda hoping its an acoustic album, but i obviously wouldnt mind the usual SOAD kind of CD.