y\'know before 911 happened it was like open season on afri americans and minorites..*thinks of all those cases during the guiliani years*..when 911 happened, that s**t died down a bit, but low and behold we still have a few that still think this is 1965....
http://www.wral.com/news/4539750/detail.html"Burning a cross without the permission of the property owner is a misdemeanor in North Carolina. However, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2003 that, under the First Amendment, cross burning could be barred only when done with the intent to intimidate"
well golly gee when isn\'t it used for intimidation? :rolleyes:
"North Carolina is one of about a dozen states with laws banning cross burning. Although in 2003, the Supreme Court ruled it could only be barred when its intent is to intimidate"
wow...only one of about a dozen states? and how many states are in the u.s.? s**t is real scary. when these racist a$$holes(some police..not all..) was racial profilling afri americans and minorities these terrorists was gearing up to give the u.s. something that these racist pigs thought would never happen in this country...then when the s**t goes down on 911 we\'re all "americans" and need to stick together :rolleyes: but they wasn\'t sayin that s**t when they were pulling people over just for the color of their skin...you\'ll have to excuse me but i cannot tolerate the slightest shred of racism to any degree....