I hate racist too.
Geez, good thing it\'s all gone like the KKK!
I mean I hardly run into racist or people that think I\'m going to rob them because of my skin color. I never run into people like that. Nope, I\'m glad that Giga and Gman both agree that racism is really not an issue and that prejudism and racist ideas, comments or actions are a disgrace to this country and what it stands for. Ironic, but I agree. Good thing I don\'t run into people like that, no sir, not outside, not at the mall and not even online where nobody has EVER made racist remarks and have delibaretely expressed hate toward another race! Never online!
ANYWAYS. I was at SMU(a college) yesterday for a meeting. I found out there are only 96 out of about 1000 students that are Hispanic. And we ARE THE LARGEST MINORITY! HAhaha, that means I get special treatment!
I recall walking toward the building where this meeting was going to be. It was me and my mexican cholo looking friend. This blonde was walking toward us. And if we had both continued to walk straight, we would of walked past each other with a distance of about 5 feet between my friend and I and the girl. But this girl, I don\'t know for what purpose, did an almost complete half circle around us. Almost as I was walking a dog on a ten feet chain and she was trying to stay away from it.