There is not a single "killer app" in any PS launch. Infact, there wasn\'t one out of the last three SYSTEMS.
I agree in regards to the PS2 launch and PSP, however If i recall correctly PS1 may not have had what we consider killer app for launch, but it had a few quality titles, I remember alot of people going crazy over Twisted metal including myself. I do agree that there was no Halo or SONIC
LIC, when did you become to jaded?
This was far too hypocritical, for me to resist.
mm you are one to speak of; hell you take the crown for that title. You accuse him of being jaded when you display even more so for every Xbox game that ever existed, plus everything else that ever existed on this planet and yet you expect anyone to believe you have any real unbiased objective opinion or outlook.
first, you cry there was nothing.
so i get the lists, then there\'s no "killer app"
Kind of reminds me of the same thing that you do when ever you get backed in corner to any debate. Make excuse after excuse, until you tire the other individual out. For the record when the man said there was nothing he was referring to the fact that the game line up was less then steller, but you already knew that, so your list proves nothing but your own so called resonable opinon that you like to pass along as fact.
then how did sony\'s units dominate the industry? how come the demand is so strong?
We all know the answer to that, but it has little to do with there launch titles, which pretty much negates your point. Hell DC had a good launch line up but it died pretty quickly.
guess it takes teh halo to be a successful launch
I guess so :rolleyes: