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Author Topic: Stealth  (Read 1365 times)

Offline Evi

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« Reply #30 on: July 24, 2005, 07:16:07 PM »
Originally posted by videoholic
Too bad we don\'t really have that forum that No-One made up in his forum treatment.  THen you could post it there.
Yeah...too bad. ;)

Offline Knotter8
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« Reply #31 on: July 25, 2005, 03:38:23 AM »
Originally posted by Lord Nicon
Uhm.... Hello. That prototype F22 (forgot the name)and the X35. I believe they both use stealth technology. They arent steath bombers however. I dont know the complete premise of the movie but 1) its hollywood and 2) its supposed to be some new futuristic like jet anyway.

Im into jets and things too but dont get your panties in a twist.

Ah c\'mon, then you must also know that tomorrow\'s Advanced Tactical Fighters are still multi-role fighter jets which happen to incorporate characteristics based on stealth technology.

The sole purpose and essence of stealth tech is about staying 100% undected to NOT have to worry about fighting. Pure stealth technology like the B2 bomber makes it a very bad performer in terms of fighter jet capabilities. It\'s top speed is below Mach 1, it\'s NEEDS fly by wire just to stay from crashing etc. In short : real stealth is the opposite from fighter jet dynamics.

And what do we see in the trailer ?

Heaps of dogfights as if those planes are Spitfires ! There are numerous shots which show huge heat exhaust from the planes\' ahhum.. afterburners !

That totally goes against the laws of stealth.

Of course, Hollywood can\'t resist to twist it all up and dumb it all down into WW1 style dogfights on steroids.

I just had hoped for something more entertaining in line with movies like Flight of the Intruder.
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« Reply #32 on: July 25, 2005, 05:44:41 AM »
Well the B1b can hit 1.2 at sea level or something around those numbers :p and its not quiet. Though it is true that it would loose horribly in a dogfight.

And Yes I do know that the X35 etc. are multirole jets and i do know the sole purpose and concept of stealth and from the previews, this thing is supposed to be undetectable (havent seen it yet, so forgive me).  

Like i said its hollywood playing around with future concepts. You\'ve seen the trailer so you should know what to expect.
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
I don\'t have comprehension issues, you just need to learn how to communicate.
Yessir massir ima f*** you up reeeeal nice and homely like. uh huh, yessum ; ).
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