Originally posted by QuDDus
I have no problem with gays as long as they keep it to themselves and don\'t try to force it down are throats.
We have to see homosexuality on tv. And people say video games are bad. I am not dissing your sexual preference. But do what you do and don\'t worry about what society thinks.
Don\'t force it in our lives and homes
No one is forcing you to watch it. You have a remote for a reason, use it if you don\'t want to watch it.
Originally posted by QuDDus
I have a christian background and I see homosexuality as been morrally wrong. We are each individuals who make our own moral judgments. So if a person wants to have sex with the same person than do it.
I hate it when people use Christianity as an excuse for discriminating against the gays. The lifestyle of being gay has nothing to do with morality. You can be gay and have the same morals as a straight person. The only thing being gay is preference. It is not a moral thing. Most people don\'t choose to be gay, that is how they were born. That is like me saying I chose to be straight. I was born this way. Sure, some people choose to be gay. But its not my choice or your choise to whether someone is gay or straight, if they choose. If they decide to be gay, fine.
But why because people have chosen to have sex with the same sex do we have to see it everywhere?
Besides being "forced" to be exposed to it on TV, where else do you see it? I still have yet to see two guys making out on the street, the mall or in school. If they do, I think its a little disgusting but I say the same thing about a guy and a girl tongue wrestling in the middle of the hallway. Take it to the bedroom for crying out loud.
America is suppose to be a christian country that welcomes the beliefs of all people true.
I found that entire sentence to be an oxymoron. America is not "supposed" to be any religion. There is the Amendment of freedom of religion. America is supposed to be a mix of religions living in harmony.
But just becuase a person is allowed to have abnormal sexual behavior does not mean everyone else has to welcome it and be apart of it.
Ok, I agree with you but anyone that does not even try to understand is closeminded in my opinion.
If life had been built on the premise of homosexuality none of us would be here. I can see anything naturally positive out of homosexuality.
You know the ancient Greeks accepted homosexuality as well as the Japanese? Many ancient cultures accepted homosexuality and somehow, we are still here. It wasn\'t until really Christianity that homosexuality really took a hit. They just mated with women.
Comparing sexual orientation to an entire race of people?
Homosexualtiy is a not ethnicity. It\'s a sexual preference. I don\'t see how you manage to come up with something so dumb.
I really don\'t see how discriminating against gays and a race is entirely different. Both have their own customs, own culture. The only difference is that gays are a combination of all races but they still face the same hardships as races because they are "different". Are they really so different? No. They are living, breathing human beings. I have a gay friend and a lesbian friend. They are no different from any other friends of mine. The only difference is where they like to put their dick (well its different for lesbians). They still think and act just like any other person and therefore should be treated with the same respect as any other human being in the country and granted the same natural rights as anyone else.