< - goes to find magazine and quote from Ken Kutargi (spell check) and his comment that the PS3 will be "Expensive" and it will make people think, "i need to work more hours to buy one". I mean, come on... I don\'t care whom you buy from, you, the consumer are still gettin\' fucked this generation.
mm\'s -> response
ding! ding! ding!
we got a winner
Funny, but like always you can read him just as easily as the back of your hand. He never made any issue(actually he did quite the opposite) when we discussed the PS3 being expensive before, but of course when M$ announces that the 360 Premium will retail for the same estimated ps3 price, here he is crying like a 12 year. So quit acting like your somehow on the fence with both companies, your only convincing the weak and timid here.
oh take a look at this mm\'s response in the "PS3 $399" thread last month:
"gonna sell like hotcakes
im certainly getting one at that cheap pricepoint"
"regardless, 399$ is a steal." But wait! just a moment ago he\'s states that he agrees with LIC that we are getting raped with prices both companies are asking for this generation. See he mindlessly obeys like a sheep with anything that SONY does, mm always turns the blind eye. However when it\'s another company, especially M$ he then takes the opportunity to throw a wild tantrum about how M$ is a big Scam and is ripping the consumers off.