At least we can all agree on one thing and that it was not just one persons fault. It was a let down on both sides , local and federal. There is no way to save everyone, but a lot of people could of been saved. The problem is, both sides let the people of N.O down.
If anything, I think this shows us just how fucked our system really is. When our own President, the man leading the nation, can not use his power to save people, due to some silly laws - then what good is he really? And if we can\'t trust the federal, can we trust the state? Obviously not. Because if we could trust them, then a diaster plan would of been put into action that actually worked.
At this point in time, I\'m neither democratic or republican. Why? Because none of that matters. What am I? I\'m an American disgusted with our system and the way it handles life changing events.
Now what do we do? We have an estimated four hundred thousand jobs lost. More homeless people than we know what to do with and untelling how many dead people. What does the goverment do now?