he didnt even mention ur DB\'s. besides harrison of course (who i think was the injury that put them over the top..he stops the run and covers the athletic TE\'s that are coming out of the wood-work these days).
Vrabel is very underrated because the D as a whole played well together, so there is no star player. undersized doesnt mean jack sh*t. The broncos LB\'s are undersized and fast as hell, but that doesnt stop them from holding LT to like 60 yards, fred taylor to 12 (week before he went nuts against cinci), and held holmes/johnson in check.
every team has their softspot. Thats why theres a salary cap so teams are even. The patriots secondary is their soft spot, broncos WR\'s are their soft spot (i know rod smith is amazing but honestly..i never really expect huge plays besides the bombs now and then to lelie). But because of that soft spot, to say that ur team as a whole is underrated just so it looks like they defeat some great odds? please..brady, dillon, branch, givens (just because therye not in the media doesnt mean theyre not great players..took a while for LT to get in the spotlight like he is now), graham/troupe, seymore, vrabel, mcginist...very good team.