Originally posted by Viper_Fujax
exactly this reason unicron..I do believe some politicians want us to be more afraid than we should be, i believe the people who want to kill to conquer are the minority. BUT that minority can do some major damage. If 10,000 people are sitting around naive and thinking were in utopia, a group of people with weapons will destroy the 10,000. Why not? they have the power to do it..theyve done it in the past. Plus with nuclear weapons now starting to be produced everywhere..its much more tempting to launch one against a country that he militarily behind. (i know thats kinda extreme).
another thing is history..a lot of people hate us, imagine if they had a chance to beat us instead of just putting some dents in us.
sorry if thats all over the place..almost 2 in the morning..
Problem is people DO think we are living in utopia.Thats why we are in the mercy of the minority.We ARE naive.If we werent the whole system would have been different.
Also people DONT hate YOU.They hate the American system and its foreign policy.With other words they hate the actions of the minority that rule.
For example take the 9/11 incident.
How many Americans before that knew of the existence of Al Quida or cared before that?How many knew about Bin Landen?How many knew that a
certain someone had connections and good relations with him in the past?How many knew that the government used to support him?How many knew that Al Quida went against the USA after the govrenment\'s bad foreign policy actions?
Then innocent Americans died because of the minority\'s fault without knowing why and that minority used that incident for their own interests again, blaming Bin Landen and turning the citizens\' head away from the real instigators.Then they made irrational connections to Iraq and boom now more Americans are dying or losing parts of their bodies.
For what?Weapons of mass destruction that never existed?
Because the minority are actually good people and love Iraqis so much that they spend billions and send Americans to die there??
Because Saddam and Bin Landen were friends?Friends enough that they hated each other??