As for reporting him, you\'ll need screenshots of offending material, showing the logged IP number, date & time. If he\'s used an ISP email address, include that.
If you have access to his IP number, which you clearly do, run it through an IP tracing site, it will list an email address to report abuse, something like
Contact them, enquire into what you need to supply to report him for abuse, tell them the evidence you have already got, and take it from there.
As for nipping it in the bud on your forums, I\'d suggest changing registration to admin validating.
You could also cut out email addresses like hotmail, yahoo, gmail etc like we do here.
Any new addresses that are used for mass registering, stick them on the banned emails list and try to force them to use their real email addresses, that way, you\'ll have more chance of reporting them. If they use their ISP provided email to register & cause shit, you\'ll have them by the bollocks.
You could also create a holding group, where the people in that group only get promoted to the proper member group for real after X ammount of posts, all posts they make before that in that holding group, will have to be moderated first.
It will be a pain in the arse if you have lot of posts to sift through each day, but that way, you\'ll get an idea of who\'s likely to start shit as soon as they register.
When the message sinks in that they have to register, get validated, go through the holding group where their first 50-100 posts are subject to validation before they even get a chance to fuck about, they\'ll probably think it\'s not worth bothering.
Then, after a few months of this, when it\'s quietened down, you can lower the defences a bit.
Like I said, it would take a shit load of moderating to deal with the validation-pending posts, but if you are really desperate to cut it out, it might be your only choice.