Man, after all these years, the myths about mary jane still run rampant.
You can not get addicted to marijuana. You can develop a habit but you can not be chemically addicted to it. THis is not like nicotine or caffiene.
Too much of anything is bad for you, even water (Hyponatremia -which killed someone last month). Smoking pot into retardation requires tons of determination coz it\'s not cheap, you pass out from too much of it (like alcohol, though alcohol will kill you faster), you get hungry, you get thirsty...etc.
Ever seen drunks fight? Yeah, frequently. Ever seen sky-high pot heads fight? They sort of weeble-wobble and fall down. Thing is, they were never standing up - just sitting there pushing each other. :lmao:
The cotton industry is scared to death of Hemp. Hemp is the more versatile than cotton and it would destroy their pockets if hemp became more widely used, like back in WW2. Cotton industry has a large lobbying group that are anti-hemp/marijuana.
Since we\'ve gone over this subject before, I\'ll say the usual "One day, it will be legal."