Originally posted by Paul2
wow, 50 hours per week is like 7 hours per day if you include the weekends too...you people sure are workaholic. Reading that, I was thinking, you guys need some days off to rest your mind...
Sorry but ;
official workdays are from 10:00 am 19:00 pm , 5 days per week.
Of course, gameprojects are bound to deadlines.
In reality this meant being at the office at 9:35. Actually working at 9:45 - 10:00 am until 13:00 lunch break which was 30 to 45 minutes on average. Then work again, shutting down 3Ds Max at 20:05. That would be a \'normal\' swift day.
Overhours are unpaid, so if I saw that a deadline would be tight I would work overhours. Those were the 22:00 pm days.
So a normal week would be 5 x 10 hours. A busy week 2 x 10 hours and 3 x 12 hours.
The programmers actually do more hours than artists do, in crunchtime weeks. In such weeks ppl were requested to work on weekends as welll. Interns were not obliged to do so, though.
Anyway, money is and will never be my main argument.
A solid contract offer, that is what i was after. Then I experienced, first hand those crunchtime hours and all those factors combined led to my decision to not opt for such a career / lifestyle.
There are some very great and gifted ppl working in the games industry. But imho, they do sacrifice alot of their life for that kind of work.
At 27, I decided i want to enjoy offtime life a bit more before i turn 30.