Wow, I learned a lot reading that link.
I didn\'t thought about what if innocents people were being executed for something they didn\'t do? Interesting. I also learned the word "exoneration", heh, cool fancy law terms...
That link makes me think quite a lot, and makes me realize why now people aren\'t as supportive of execution as they were before.
As for me, I don\'t support execution. Well, it depends. Unless DNA can proven a person guilty and depend how bad the felonies are. Like if the suspect killed a lot of people or very maliciously tortured and murder a person to death especially for no or very unfair reasons. I guess that is the exception.
Me personally, I don\'t like being falsely accused or misunderstood. So, what if there are some people that are actually innocent but were given the death sentence. That would be awful.
It also makes me wonder about test lie detector. Do you guys think that may work?